Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 2 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 Missouri

We got a fairly early start today. I thought about blogging about things throughout the day, but that would have meant that I was looking at the computer instead of the scenery. Not a good idea. So, I'll be posting less detail, but more picutures.

We had to travel north about 45 miles from Arkansas to Missouri. In the little town of Noel, MO, there
was a great river that ran around a 45 degree bend. And just past the bend was a rock bluff that was at least 70 feet high. And the road runs between the bluff and the river. At one spot, the rock of the bluff overhangs half of the road. We got some shots of the overhang.

And here are some shots of the bluff itself. It was lovely, with the vines and wild flowers growing on it.

And the river directly across from the bluff. That was some of the greenest river water I've ever seen.

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