Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 2 Wednesday, April 30, 2008 Oklahoma

I'm finding I'll have to post in different sections if I want the pictures and the commentary to make sense here. Isn't technology wonderful.......

We made a wrong turn somewhere in Missouri, and it took us about a half an hour longer to get into Oklahoma than we'd planned. We stopped at a convenience store, and I couldn't help taking a few shots. It was an interesting combination of stuff decorating the front of the store.

The same thing was on each side of the doors--a cowboy boot planter filled with geraniums (I think), and a banana tree. I have no idea how they keep those banana trees alive in Oklahoma.

And then there's the requisite totem pole. Oklahoma's slogan is "Native America" after all.
Fun stuff.

I'll have to post the rest of today's pics in the morning. This internet connection is moving like dial-up. 'Talk' to you tomorrow.......

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