Thursday, May 1, 2008

We actually joined the old Route 66 at Afton, OK. Historically, Route 66 was important because it was one of the only US routes that ran a diagonal across the country, and it connected two major US cities, Chicago and LA. It was actually the first US route to be completely paved. It started in 1927, and was finished in 1938. The route was the major escape route west for those caught in the Dust Bowl, and was later immortalized in The Grapes of Wrath as "The Mother Road." We did as many stops of interest as time would allow today.

This is an original Route 66 bridge at the east end of Chelsea, OK. The bridge is still in use, but is no longer on the main highway into town. Can't you just imagine traveling in the 1930s and '40s, and stopping here to have your picnic lunch?

The weight limit was 3 tons. No big trucks allowed on this bridge!

We obviously didn't exceed the weight limit. Dean says that's because he got out and walked across to take the picture from the far side. ;-}

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