Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 9, Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We got on the road home on Wednesday morning. We had to go back across Hoover Dam, and we stopped to get a good look at Lake Mead on the way.

It's all desert, then you crest a rise and start a descent, and the lake comes into view.

And gets progressively larger.

This is the view from an overlook. It is spectacular.

This is the marina. There are thousands of boats down there. Here are a couple of closer shots so you can get an idea of scale.

On the way down the hill to Hoover, we stopped at another overlook to get a better shot of the front of the dam.

This is really the only place where you can get this good a look at the mass of Hoover Dam. It's awe inspiring.

I was intrigued by the mortar between the rocks in most of the walls here. It stands out from the rock, with fairly sharp edges. If you look at the rocks themselves, it looks like they're weathered. We're betting that the rocks once were at least flush with the mortar, and over the years, they have worn down. That sure seems like a lot of surface to lose in less than 100 years, though.

This is the building on the Nevada side of the dam that houses the parking garage, snack bar, and gift shop.

This is a better shot of the bronze high-scaler statue near the gift shop.

We didn't stay long at the dam this time. Just long enough to get a few shots that hadn't turned out well the first visit. I did ask Dean to take a picture of me in my straw hat so you guys could see. My sunburned face was taking a third day of scorching the day we were on the strip. I needed some relief. Jeffrey loaned me his baseball cap for awhile, and it did a great job, but I needed something of my own. So we spent $5 (you get what you pay for), and it was money well spent. This little gem saved my face. Unfortunately, I look a little like my Grandmother in this thing. Ah, well, I'll take function over fashion any day.

The sunglasses were a necessity, too. I look a little like John Lennon in them, I think. Hmmmm, Grandma meets John Lennon. I'm not sure...........

Just beside where I'm standing in this shot is one of the most touching parts of Hoover Dam, I think.

This is the grave of their mascot.

You can read the story on his plaque.

And finally--

This is Dr. Elwood Mead, after whom the Lake was named.

He was a driving force behind this project. I think it's a shame when we know so little of great people who did so much to help others.

When we left Hoover Dam we were back to......

"I can see for miles and miles and miles......."

More coming soon. See ya!

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