Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 5, Saturday, May 3, 2008 Grand Canyon

The Desert View area of the Grand Canyon has a structure known as the Watchtower. The tower, as well as 5 other structures in the park, were designed over a 50 year period by Mary Colter. The Watchtower was completed in 1933.

It blends into the landscape perfectly, looking like it's been there for hundreds of years.

The first level is the gift shop, and the roof of it is an observation deck. Then the tower extends three more levels. The tower has lots of windows through which to see the view, and a few are made to open, but the larger ones have been locked shut. Don't want anyone falling out, I suppose.

Here a few inside shots of the tower. They show each level, and then the view from the top down.

Jeffrey finally asked if Dean and I wanted a picture together. (It might never have occurred to us.) So we posed on the Observation Deck.

We were pleased to see this plaque on the wall not far from where we're standing.

And of course, the view from here is incomparable.

This is from the ground level, looking northeast.

And this is looking more north-northwest.

Here's the sign. These pictures are high resolution, so if you save them to your computer, you can magnify them to read the signs, if you want.

They call this the Desert View, I think, because what you see from here is the Painted Desert to the northeast. This is what it looks like from the tower.

It was getting hazy by this time, so the view isn't as clear as I'd like. And there's no way to describe how beautiful it was seeing all those colors stretched out for miles. We aren't sure how far we could see, but we betting it was at least 100, maybe more.

This is a zoom shot of the tallest of the San Francisco Peaks, near Flagstaff, AZ. To see it from the Watchtower, you have to look back nearly to the south. We had a view of this snow capped peak for over 300 miles of the trip, approaching Flagstaff, leaving Flagstaff, and traveling north to the Grand Canyon. It's amazing how far you can see things out here.

Well, I'll try to get the last Grand Canyon post up later today. We're still have internet connection difficulties. (One more reason I'm glad I live in the EAST.) And then comes Hoover Dam and Las Vegas. Stay tuned for more......

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